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Returns and refund

My medication hasn't worked as expected or I no longer need it. Can I return it?

To keep our patients safe, we cannot accept returns of any opened orders. If you are unhappy with a medication then you can get in touch with us and we may be able to recommend a suitable alternative for you to order next time.

How long does it take for an order to be returned?

The return time generally depends on how you send them back and what service you use. Please bear in mind that not all orders are eligible to be returned and you should check our returns policy before attempting to send anything back to us.

My order has been returned to sender. What do I do now?

Once returned to sender, please advise our customer service team by email about whether you require a refund or a re-send, and the reason for returning.

How long does it take before I receive my refund?

Once we have received and processed your returned order (which can take up to 1 week), it can take 3-5 working days for you to receive a refund. The amount of time can vary and is dependent on your bank.

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